Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Resolutions for 2013

It’s a new year, with so many comics, so many possibilities. As with every New Year, we ask ourselves: “What do I want to accomplish this year, what will be a successful year for me?” In attempting to answer that question for myself, here are 5 resolutions for 2013 that I hope to tackle.

1 - Discover New Creators. The world of comics has more talent and vibrancy than ever before. There are young fresh creators out there that are starting to produce the next generation of work, and discovering them and seeing their talent grow is thrilling. I want to find more new talent and in whatever way I can, help them get exposure and grow their skills in the industry.

2 - Read More from "The Stack". If you’ve read some of my previous posts you know that the books I have outweigh the books I’ve read. A goal for this year is to read those wonderful books I wanted to get so badly, only to have them sit on the shelf resigned to the backlog because more new stuff was coming in. In 2013 I’m going to change that (I hope).

3 - Study Comics History. I don’t think I’m one of those people that say you have to have read 70 years of comics to enjoy and understand anything current, but I do have a desire to learn more about the history of comics, the industry, and creators. There is a lot of value in knowing what influences current creators, how publishers treat their properties now, and how we all got to where we are today. I want to learn more about the past to satisfy curiosity.

4 - Fill In Runs. I have a decent amount of comics, but my collection is spotty at best. I have missing issues from nearly every series I collected and it’s a thorn in my collector’s side. I want to spend more time collecting missing back issues this year and less on getting more back issues that don’t fill in what I already have amassed.

5 - Read More Web Comics. Along the same vein as discovering new creators, there is a huge world of web comics that I know little about. I know there is amazing work being done on the web and a lot of new talent in print comics can come from there. I want to make an effort to discover new web comics and fill in that part of the world of comics for me.

What are your resolutions and hopes for 2013? What would you like to see get done in your comics life this year? I wish you all a great 2013, and happy reading!


  1. Good stuff. My resolution is to buy comics every Saturday. There's a thrift store in my town that sells them for super cheap.

    1. Tom: new comics or back issues? Love finding places to pick up cheap back issues.

  2. I thought a long time about this

    I want to get a better design for my blog. I'll keep it on tumblr because of the ease of use but I'll work on my own design.

    I want to clean up twitter and not worry or think about # of follower but quality followers/follows

    Continue to seek out new blogs

    Oh and finally, to go through my collection and reorganize them better and take pictures AND get my action figures out of storage since I put them away to sell my house

    1. I love those! Especially Twitter & sharing collection pics. Its so true with twitter, its nice to have a lot of followers, but if they are all spam bots who cares. Its about building a group of people that like to talk with each other about the things we love. Quality over quantity.
